2020 SiP Magazine Feature

As summer comes to an end, I can’t help but think of the exciting and unusual season we have all had. This summer, well this year, has been a lot for everyone. But something I am reminded of and so thankful for is home. Our hearts and minds can find such ease at home where our families, spouses, pets, and comfy couches are.
SIP Magazine recently featured my crazy busy home. The candid moments captured are sweet and the staged photos are what it looks like once a year, but it is only complete with the love of our family.
To no one's surprise, something I touch on in the SIP feature is ART! It can be overwhelming to think about your collection (whether it’s big or small), but here are some quick pointers for you to take with you on your art journey.
Buy art that moves you. If you purchase art that makes you happy or brings emotion, you will find a place for it in your home.
Tour galleries, look through design magazines, do online searches, or simply go shopping to see what types of art elicits emotion for you.
Size and scale are important! When buying art for the wall over a sofa consider a piece that is two-thirds the width of the sofa or go even bigger.
If you find a piece of art or photograph you love that is too small for your space, consider framing it in an oversized mat in order to increase the overall visual impact.
Don’t worry about matching the colors of your space instead, look for pieces that you love at first sight, and don’t worry if the colors match with the other pieces in your room!
Don’t think about the art living in just one spot permanently. Buy art when you love it and then just move it around your space.
Thank you so much to designer and article writer, Sidney Wagner, photographer Minette Hand, and SIP Magazine for featuring our home!