

Posted by Michelle Owenby on

Approaching a brand new process in a time of constraints brought a sense of purpose, peace and connection as access to inspiration, materials and people was limited. The mundane repetition of day-to-day life and the need to continue feeling connected pointed me to find beauty in the smallest details. Materials that arrived from packaging and delivery became items of interest. Grocery bags and old books were repurposed. Emotions were translated in color, energy of hand and meditative practice. What resulted was a collection of imperfectly hand-painted and dyed papers and collected items. These papers speak to the imbalance and impermanence of a season of uncertainty. This body of work reflects the essence of finding beauty in imperfection and the acceptance that all things work together according to His plan.
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who[a] have been called according to his purpose.   -Romans 8:28

Through a mission-based partnership with Holy Angels and one of their sponsored business, Bliss Gallery, these works are on exhibition from April 29, 2021 through June 26, 2021. There will be an Opening Reception from 6-8pm on Thursday, April 29 at Bliss Gallery 25 N. Main Street, Belmont, NC.

In addition to my work being featured, Holy Angels residents artistic work will be only display + for sale alongside mine. 

For more information or to enquire about purchase, please contact: Harmony Heslop at Biss Gallery:  704-280-4926

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